Family News

Welcome back to school!

Monday, June 7, 2010

The middle spot started out looking like a mosquito bite about 2 weeks ago. The rash just started yesterday and is worse today. We've been reading about Lyme Disease and it's scary. We go to the dr. tomorrow at 1. I forwarded her a pic and the 1st thing she asked was if it was a tick bite. Some people are saying spider. Let me know what you think.....don't know if we'll get much sleep tonight. We are both really worried :(


  1. Is that on Liam? It looks like a spider bite. Does it hurt him?

  2. Yes, it is on Liam. She is treating it as if it is Lyme Disease from a tick bite. It does bother him. He is now taking amoxicillin, steriod cream, and zyrtec. He started running a fever this evening so we will see how it goes.

  3. poor baby..give him hugs from us!! let me know if I can help!

