Family News

Welcome back to school!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Baylie started 3rd. grade on Monday! She was up at 6:15am ready to go...not mommy!! She said she had a wonderful first day of school...kinda upset she doesnt get to see her best friend (Julia) much cause for the first time in two year they got split into different classes. As we were leaving for school I said wait! I need to get a picture of you, you look so cute...and she let me know that I was so wrong for saying that one...she said, "I look cool mom, not cute"! She is becoming a wonderful young lady and we are so proud of her...we hope she has a wonderful year!

1 comment:

  1. You do look ~~~~ SO COOL BAYLIE~~~~ Glad it was a good first day. Hope each day this year is a good one.
