Family News

Welcome back to school!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Baylie started 3rd. grade on Monday! She was up at 6:15am ready to go...not mommy!! She said she had a wonderful first day of school...kinda upset she doesnt get to see her best friend (Julia) much cause for the first time in two year they got split into different classes. As we were leaving for school I said wait! I need to get a picture of you, you look so cute...and she let me know that I was so wrong for saying that one...she said, "I look cool mom, not cute"! She is becoming a wonderful young lady and we are so proud of her...we hope she has a wonderful year!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


It looks like we are the last to start school here in Texas. Todd met his teacher Tuesday night. We are ready. I hope everyone has a great first day. I will take pictures and post them on Monday.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Okay let me see if I can explain this. It is Saturday morning and Dan and Heather get up early to go birthday shopping for Evan. Charlie and I are still in bed. We slowly start hearing our three grandchildren get up and walk around upstairs. We lay there in bed. Next thing we hear are the sound of three sets of running feet. Again, we just lay in our bed. Then we feel our bed move and figure Maggie (the cat) has jumped in bed with us. Then another addition to the bed. Did Maggie find a friend to bring to our bed. OH NOOOOOOOO.
Charlie and I don't move......then............something else gets in bed with us. All of this is going on behind my back, so I am not sure what is going on. Then we hear Maggie purring. Then we hear a whispered, " Come on Maggie, you can come up here too". Charlie and I are trying not to laugh because we realize all three of the grandkids are in bed with us. So after about 5 minutes of total silence and they are not moving. They do not want to wake us. I say, " What are you kids doing in our bed"? All three of them at the same time say, " grandma there is a horse fly upstairs and mom and dad are gone". Charlie and I nearly die laughing. They would not get out of that bed. So we told them go upstairs while we get dressed. With the look of HORROR on all three faces, they refuse. So they went and sat on the basement steps.
After I got dressed, I went up and killed it with the fly swatter. So GRANDMA saved the day. You should have heard the sounds of relief from three frightened children. What a start to the day. So Dan and Heather have strict orders to not leave this house if there is a horse fly within a mile of our door. lol

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I heart SPRING

I love spring.

My tomatoes

Cute flowers

We received great news today. Chris got a raise at work.
We are very happy.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Love Thy Neighbor

With Adam gone it is now my responsibility to handle trash duty. It's really not that big of a deal...I just freak out and panic all day Monday thinking I am going to forget to put the trash to the curb and the we will be over run with garbage. This Monday, I was on high alert to get those cans to the curb since we will be gone for a month. I can't imagine the stench of our garbage being left on the side of the house for an entire month. Somehow I forgot. I forgot until about 9:30 at night. It is dark outside and the rain has made it really hard to get the can moving. All of the sudden I feel a huge spider web and freak out. I run into the house begging Michelle to examine me and if there is a huge hairy spider on me not to tell me but somehow get it off me without me knowing. Make sense? After my thorough examination Michelle walks outside with me. It is now raining again. I turn on my headlights and we see the big spider and he is still in his web. I am having an anxiety/panic attic/hallucinations/etc. Michelle gets the spider. In my rampant exit from the spider web earlier, I knocked over the recycling can and trash is everywhere. Michelle thinks it would be best if we tried this again in the morning when we can see better and it is not raining. She promises me we will get up early and take care of it. Okay.

It really is my fault for thinking that my 18 year old sister would wake up early. Sophie, the dog, wakes me up at 8:30. The whole house is quiet and everyone is still sleeping. I run outside half asleep looking down the street to see if the trash truck has been here. I determine that sadly they have already come. I realize though that my neighbors across the street still have full cans. It is raining. I am standing there contemplating a strategy. I notice Mr. Neighbor doesn't have a can at the curb. I keep thinking...what if this...what if this illegal...what if I get caught...what would Mr. Neighbor think... I retreat back inside to ponder what I am going to do.

Thirty minutes later I get brave enough to put my plan in action. Wearing my red pajama pants and my red t-shirt (not trying to stand out like a sore thumb), I run outside and quickly take the can across the street to Mr. Neighbor's driveway. I run into the house and wait.

Peering through the glass of my front door, I watch as the trash truck pulls up and takes my can. Yay! Reagan senses my excitement and is now following me around. She of course is in her normal attire of panties only. Since it is really raining I dig out Todd's spider man umbrella and head outside to retrieve our trash can before anyone notices. Reagan runs out the door crying towards me wanting to come too. The dog has ran outside also. So me in my red pajamas, Spider Man umbrella, Reagan in her panties only and the dog cross the street and bring the can back. It was like our very own parade all we needed was a band playing music.

I love my neighbor. I really hope he never finds out.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Happy Birthday to be the BEST Dad ever!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

We just want to wish ALL you Dads out there a Happy Father's Day!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bill & Midge

Is there any news from Bill & Midge? Last I heard they were going to stop last night on I-10 and spend the night. I texted her but have not heard back.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Happy “late” 50th Birthday Midge



lost phone

Just to let you all kids lost my phone..I have a borrowed phone right now so if you all could please email or text me your phone numbers. I am so and phones don't number is the same. Thanks hope all is well!

Thanks Melissa

Monday, June 14, 2010

I need help.

So this is our kitchen. I painted it this
brown color about two months ago.
It never looked right to me so today
I thought I would try something new.
Super easy and cheap it lightened the room up
But the don't think the brown goes with it
at all or is it the orangey cabinets that
are messing me up
Any suggestions..

I like the look of this drawing that I did. I just
don't know if I really could paint all my cabinet
dark brown or black. Would it make my kitchen
dungeon feeling?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Look who is turning 2!

Charlie is turning 2! Everyone is welcome to come!

Monday, June 7, 2010

The middle spot started out looking like a mosquito bite about 2 weeks ago. The rash just started yesterday and is worse today. We've been reading about Lyme Disease and it's scary. We go to the dr. tomorrow at 1. I forwarded her a pic and the 1st thing she asked was if it was a tick bite. Some people are saying spider. Let me know what you think.....don't know if we'll get much sleep tonight. We are both really worried :(

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

New baby's bedding

Dr. appt

We went to the dr today for another baby appt. I am measuring exactly where I'm supposed to be and his heartbeat was 140. He is a very active little booger. He kicks a lot more than Liam did. The dr always has a hard time getting his heartbeat because he is constantly moving around or kicking the monitor. She said my due date is September 2nd and so far I've only gained 4 lbs. It doesn't look that way, believe me!!! I have to start going every 2 weeks now and I go back June 7th for another appt and to do my glucose test....yuck :( Hopefully, I will get lucky like I did with Liam and not have to do the 3 hr test. We have picked out the bedding and we are going western. We found some cute cowboy bedding that we love, Round Em Up by Cocalo is the name of the bedding. We just agreed yesterday so I am going to search for some more western ones. We are still thinking about the name situation. So far, we both agree on Lawson Brooks. I just thought I would update everyone on the baby.

Liam is doing great...growing like a weed. He talks so much and we are having so much fun with him. We went to his new daycare yesterday to look at the new facility and meet everyone. He had a blast and we loved it. I have a meeting all day tomorrow so he is going to go tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed!!! I am teaching summer school and my mom is going to keep him during that....he is going to be so spoiled!!! I am going to take him a couple days a week starting in July to get him used to it before he starts going full time in August. This will give me time to work in my room at school and try to get as much done as I can before the baby comes. We are going to be super busy the next couple of months getting ready for everything :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Todd toothless

Sunday night, Todd lost his first tooth.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

GEOCACHING Ever Heard Of It???

Geocaching is a hight-tech treasure hunting game played throughout the world by adventure seekers equipped with GPS devices.

I believe this could be a ton of fun for the kiddos. People have buried treasure and give you the coordinates to find it. You can find tons near you.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New Information

Hi Everyone,
Just thought I would pop on here and make a post about Charlie. Charlie has been diagnosed to have Malignant Skin Melanoma. We found out last week after he had a mole a little larger than the end of a pencil eraser. It was removed, along with a large area surrounding it and biopsied. When we went back last week to get his stitches removed this is what we were told. Charlie, there are 3 types of skin cancer. Unfortunately you have the kind no one wants to get. Yours is Malignant Melanoma. It is a very serious and deadly cancer. We must go back in and remove more of the area around what we have removed already. It will be biopsied again and we hope it has not spread already. You will need to watch your glands for swelling and get them checked immediately for melanoma in your lymph nodes. Melanoma can attack any where on or in your body. We need to keep it from your lymph nodes if possible.
This time because they are going to have to remove a larger area and then stretch the skin to close it, he has to go to an out patient facility and be put under. That is scheduled to take place on the 26Th.
I am so happy that Charlie listened to me and had our doctor to look at the mole right away. It is unbelievable how fast this cancer grows and it is important to find it in early stages. We found it early and I pray his body is not too weak to fight.
His father, siblings and children have a 50% likely hood that they will develop a melanoma. So I had to contact them and let them know they need to see a dermatologist and be checked from head to toe.
Please pray for good results with this next extraction.
Please watch yourselves and protect your skin. The photos I have seen on websites of this disease are the most hideous thing I have seen. It does affect young people. Not all melanomas are black. Not all black melanoma moles are of irregular shape. Charlies was perfectly round.
Charlie has been using very strong UV protection for years now because some of his medications can cause sun burns. He uses an 85. However, because of all the years he burned so badly in Florida as a child, the damage was done,.
Please, please, please check your body and protect your skin.

Happy Birthday Faith!

We hope your day is really special!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

My Little Helper

Rough day helping dad on the garage.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cheyenne, Age 3

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day! My three little kiddos suprised me with breakfast in bed and cards they drew and colored themselves.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Question To Everyone

I am concerned that our family members are not comfortable with using a Blog. Perhaps it is that some do not know how, or that they do not want to get a new email addy in order to use it. Cindy has done a beautiful job of creating and giving tutorials of how to use a blog.
I would appreciate some feed back, on what everyone thinks. Does anyone know why it is not being used like the family page was?
I am asking because I notice on FaceBook you can create a Family ONLY account. It is used just like a regular FB account, only it is for family members only.
Do you think people would be more comfortable with that?
I miss hearing from everyone, the way we kept up on the old family page.
If that is the case, I will set up a Family Face Book account. It too is free and I notice there are a lot of family members on FB.
Give me feedback, please.
Love, Barb

Monday, April 26, 2010

Happy Anniversary Ted and Tracey!

Todd's trip to the hospital

Todd has his scope and PH probe done last Monday. Everything went perfectly. He had to carry the little computer around with him all day for the probe.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dr Appt & Names

Brooke and I went to her dr appt yesterday for an ultrasound on how the baby is developing. Everything came back great, and we did confirm it is a boy. Due date really no change Sept. 3.

I guess the toughest part now is to finish up a name. We need help on his first name. So far it is "....Lee Byrd". Everyone shoot back their ideas for a first name please. So far we have thought of Cooper, Bryson, Lawson, Ryder, Wyatt, Jagger, Laken, Laython, Sawyer.

Katie hope it wouldn't bother you if Sawyer is used.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Please let us know if you have joined this new Family Page. Leave your name in the comment of this post.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ya'll Remeber This Photo

Believe this is when McGuire was the home run king.

Reagan goes to school

Reagan started school last Wednesday. She is in a program called PALS. It is just for three and four year olds with language delays. I knew she was behind in her speech and was able to get her some help through ECI. They are only able to work with kids until they turn three. We are so fortunate to have this program in our school district. It is every Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 to 10:30. I basically drop Todd off at school run home and get Reagan ready to drop her off at the other Elementary school by 8:30. On her first day the teacher told me you would have never known this was her first day of school. She did so well! Our school district requires uniform which means I had to find some shirts that would fit a three year old. Luckily, my mom found some at JCPenny in the boys section. She picked out the brightest colors they had and they worked out perfectly. I think she looked so pretty on her first day.

Christmas Family exchange 2010

Well I have a jump on this years christmas exchange.I found half of what I will need yesterday and bought them.The rest is making it and yes it has quilting in it.Anyone one else thought about it yet??I bought 20 just in case.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt 2010

This year we went to the Ellestad's home to hunt for Easter eggs. The kids had a great time running through back yard hunting for the colorful candy filled eggs.

Reagan, Melony, Sariah, Todd, Layton, Gage, and Aidan

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Baby Boy #2

Baby #2

Liam Easter 2010

Liam Easter 2010
He did not want to sit in the chair with the bunny. He would pick up the bunny put it on the ground and then play with it. After several attempts he finally sat long enough with a quick smile.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Reagan!!

Hope you had a great day!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter.

Happy Easter Everyone.
It is nice to be home and have Heather, Jason and their families here for Easter. Hope all of you are enjoying yours too. God's many blessings to all of you.
Love Charlie & Barb.

Friday, April 2, 2010

USS Independence

You will have to go to our blog to see the photo. Sorry

Fort Morgan AL

When John and Kay joined us in Gulf Shores AL, they wanted to go to Fort Morgan. While we were there the newest Naval Military Ship the USS Independance came by. It was launched that morning from Mobile AL on its way to the Naval yards of Norfolk VA. What an icredible 574 million dollar, combat ship. To think, we got to see it, on its very first journey was something else. The ship looks nothing like, previous combat ships. Hope you can see the photo, well enough.

Happy Birthday Chuck

Happy Birthday Chuck!

Reagan's Birthday Party

Last night, we celebrated Reagan's 3rd birthday with her cousin Owen, who also turned three, at Chuck E Cheese. My living room is covered in pink dressup clothes, play shoes, jewelry and of course clothes!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I have really enjoyed looking at all the pictures, oh so long ago. Katie, the video of Paisley singing was great, our little performer. Cindy, Layton has grown so much and he looks like such a peaceful baby. Barb where are now ? Hope you are still enjoying yourselves.

Monday, March 29, 2010


William, Jason and Chris
Katie is in the chair

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010


We finally got the internet this weekend so I blogged alot. I put it all on my page because it was easier that way. Check it out and let me know what you think of all the redo's so far. Hope all is well.

Retro Picture ~ 1975

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Baylie Ann Baumann

Born March 10, 2002 @ 4:39 in the afternoon and weighed 5 pounds 13 ounces.

Here is my interview with Melissa~
What do you remember about that day? It took forever!

Baylie plays basketball (point guard), softball (pitcher & first base) This year for FALL ball she was MVP! Baylie is in Brownie Troop #3705. She was the TOP cookie seller both years. This year she will hit 600! Her favorite part about girl scouts is the activities. They recently went to a Mavericks game!

Favorite part of school: Baylie is in 2nd grade. Math is her favorite subject. Her best friend is in her class. Her name Julia and she is a triplet. She had all A's and only one high B this last report card.
When not in school: She like to watch I Carly, doing things with her friends.

Personality: Easy going. Big heart. Very special unique girl.
What does Baylie want to be when she grows up? Pilot

Favorite Place to Eat: Subway ~ Foot long Ham & Cheese. Has to be microwaved. Has to have lettuce and Ranch dressing only!

We love you Baylie! Happy Birthday!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Leftovers ~ An inspiring read

There is a family that I recently found through a friend. Their youngest son drowned in the bath tub but by a miracle from our Father in Heaven, he survived and totally recoverd. The mom that writes this blog is amazing. Her family has been so inspiring. If you have the time to read this latest post titled Leftovers you won't be sorry. I love it! It has inspired me to be a better mother. Click on the link below.

Monday morning talk