Family News

Welcome back to school!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Reagan goes to school

Reagan started school last Wednesday. She is in a program called PALS. It is just for three and four year olds with language delays. I knew she was behind in her speech and was able to get her some help through ECI. They are only able to work with kids until they turn three. We are so fortunate to have this program in our school district. It is every Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 to 10:30. I basically drop Todd off at school run home and get Reagan ready to drop her off at the other Elementary school by 8:30. On her first day the teacher told me you would have never known this was her first day of school. She did so well! Our school district requires uniform which means I had to find some shirts that would fit a three year old. Luckily, my mom found some at JCPenny in the boys section. She picked out the brightest colors they had and they worked out perfectly. I think she looked so pretty on her first day.


  1. Looks like a true Texas Longhorn fan too. It sounds like she really enjoyed it.

  2. Reagan, you look so pretty all dressed for school. I bet you were excited too.
